When shopping online you always have to be careful
When shopping online you always have to be careful and take the necessary security measures to protect yourself … Continued
When shopping online you always have to be careful and take the necessary security measures to protect yourself … Continued
Premiership club Manchester United confirmed that in the past hours they have experienced a cyber attack on their … Continued
A FAKE profile has been created impersonating “the Malta Drive Thru Christmas”. People are receiving messages claiming that … Continued
⚠️ Businesses and public institutions seeking to defend themselves against the current onslaught of social engineering attacks should … Continued
To understand how phishing and other social engineering tactics have become so successful, it’s useful to highlight a … Continued
There are dozens of example of common social engineering tactics of varying sophistication, including: Scarily commonplace: An employee … Continued
The hack of Twitter in July 2020 that led to the compromise of some very famous accounts (Bill … Continued
Cyber criminals are trying to copy emails and text messages from legitimate companies to trick you into giving … Continued
The ever changing technology and the wide use of digital media are making attackers smarter! Risk and severity … Continued
Malta joins the rest of the European Union’s to promote online security among EU citizens. The annual cybersecurity … Continued