
Searching for the latest Kardashian gossip is not as safe as you think

With 118 million followers on Instagram, 58 million followers on Twitter and an estimated net worth of £270 million, Kim Kardashian West is undoubtedly one of the most recognisable individuals in the world.

While many people may Google the reality star to find out the latest on the Kardashian clan or news on her most recent makeup releases, doing so could be putting your cybersecurity at risk.

A recent study conducted by cybersecurity firm McAfee has found that Kim Kardashian is the most dangerous celebrity to search online in the UK.

The firm explains that cybercriminals will often prey on internet users by taking note of commonly used search terms.

They will then trick internet users into clicking on links with those terms, leading them to malicious websites or encouraging them to reveal personal details such as passwords.

“In our hyper-connected world, it’s important for consumers to think before they click to be sure that they are surfing to safe digital content and protecting themselves from cybersecurity threats that may be used to infect their devices or steal their identity.” said the McAfee chief scientist Raj Samani.

While you can take various measures to improve your cybersecurity, such as creating complex passwords and being careful when using a public WiFi network, McAfee also stresses caution when clicking on links online.