The Department of Computer Science of the University of Malta organised a half-day multidisciplinary research and practise workshop on cybersecurity. The aim of this workshop was to instil discussions between experts with different backgrounds: technical, legal, forensic, regulatory. In this regard, multiple talks ranging from scientific research directions, to sharing lessons-learned from practice and foreseen challenges related to the implementation of upcoming cybersecurity regulations were delivered.
Martin Camilleri, from our Information Security & Governance Department, presented MITA’s Journey Towards Cybersecurity Maturity. He explained how the process for securing an organization’s IT infrastructure is a continuous, fluid journey building layers of protection to secure the infrastructure. The challenges of emerging new technologies make the journey even more changeful and demands incessant adaptation of security architectures, including changes in the security processes and the implementation of new security technologies. MITA is no exception, and the organization has travelled through this journey and still has goals to achieve. In this presentation we will have a look at MITA’s voyage towards Cyber Security maturity and the way forward for the future, in its efforts to protect the Maltese Government IT infrastructures.