
CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’ The SMEs Cybersecurity Grant Scheme is back!

Back in June 2023, MITA through its National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre for Malta (MITA-NCC), launched the SME Cybersecurity Grant Scheme, CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’. 

MITA-NCC together with the Ministry for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects and has reopened the Scheme on 20th February 2024 to support SMEs in financing projects related to cybersecurity. With a  total budget of two million euro the programme is co-funded by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme whereby €1,000,000 are EU funds and €1,000,000 are National funds. The Scheme is being managed on a demand driven basis. Accordingly, the MITA-NCC has issued five more public open calls (open rolling-calls) for interested eligible undertakings to submit their applications; cut-off dates being 14th April 2024, 28th April 2024, 12th May 2024, 26th May 2024, and 16th June 2024. Grants shall be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to budget availability.

The aid intensity applied is 80% whereby the maximum grant that an SME can benefit from is €60,000. The investment project proposal must include a comprehensive budget breakdown that in total amounts to at least €20,000 to be eligible for funding. Eligible projects will receive a pre-financing aid of 20% and the remaining 80% will be reimbursed upon full completionof the project.  All projects must be implementation by not later than 30th September 2024.

Such an investment should result in the SME advancing the status of its existing cybersecurity capacity through the implementation of new solutions focused on at least one of the five investment areas: vulnerability management, identity and access management, end-to-end data protection, threat detection and response, and enhanced cloud-based platform security. For each, eligible costs include cybersecurity solutions; hardware; subscriptions, license fees and managed services; staff training; and implementation.

For further information please visit our dedicated website– Applications can only be submitted online through the dedicated NCC Funding Application Portal accessible from

 MITA together with will be holding an information session on the Scheme on Wednesday 6th March at the Malta Business Register (MBR) in Zejtun. More details to register can be found on the ncc-mita website;

The NCC-MT is collaborating with Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) to assist interested applicants as need be, including assistance to draft or review their application form. SEM are reachable on email [email protected] or telephone line +356 27797300, whilst the NCC-MT can be reached on email address [email protected].

This project is co-founded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre. Neither the European Union nor the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre can be held responsible for them.